Centerville Clinics offers a Sliding Fee Discount Program. Please contact the Business Office to determine if you are eligible. The Business Office can be reached by dialing 724-632-6801 ext 1010. Also remember that Centerville Clinics serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Category: FAQs
How do I make an appointment?
To make an appointment at one of the Centerville Clinics offices or clinics, call that specific location. Generally, appointments can be made to fit your schedule. Centerville Clinics makes every effort to be responsive to the schedule needs of our patients, and make each patient’s wait as short as possible.
What are the office hours at Centerville Clinics?
Generally, the office hours at Centerville Clinics are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, although the hours may vary slightly at some locations. Some locations also offer evening and Saturday hours. To check the days and hours at a specific office or clinic, visit our list of locations.
How do I find the Centerville Clinics location nearest to me?
Centerville Clinics is a network of thirteen locations. Our office locations can be found by visiting our Locations page.
What if I have to go to a hospital?
Centerville Clinics has a collaborative relationship with the area hospitals for our patients to receive care under the Hospitalist program.
Will my records be secure?
All patient records at Centerville Clinics are confidential.
What about my medical records?
If you previously have been a patient of another physician and would like to become a patient of Centerville Clinics we are happy to arrange to have your records transferred.